Hour of Code – EDUC 932

by Mike Still
Hour of Code – EDUC 932

Prof Katz assigned us an hour of code last night.  He gave us 3 options and naturally I tried the most advanced. I had to “remix Spacetrek” and embed it below.  When I first opened the game I immediately thought of my childhood Atari favorite, Asteroids and tried to recreate it.  I had a lot of trouble getting the laser beam to go in the right direction but am pretty happy with the results.  Scroll down to try my remix or see the assignment and do your own hour of code!



Option 1 (Beginner)

Complete “An Hour of Code.”

  1. Choose one of the activities at the top of the page (Minecraft, Star Wars, etc.)
  2. Complete all lessons. Most activities have 20 lessons and take less than an hour.
  3. Post a screenshot of your certificate of completion on your blog.

Option 2 (Intermediate – some experience with block coding)

Complete the “2-D Shapes Activity

  1. Create an account at https://scratch.mit.edu/
  2. Click Create
  3. Follow the instructions to complete the assignment.
  4. Embed your work on your blog.

Option 3 (High Intermediate – comfortable with block coding)


  1. Follow the instructions from the Global Codeathon 2016 theme
  2. Remix Spacetrek according to theme instructions.
  3. Embed your remix on your blog.

Spacetrek was created by Don Ngyuen, creator of Flappy Bird, who kindly supports the Global Codeathon.

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Mike Still
Mike is a travel enthusiast, photographer and teacher. He loves adventure travel, meeting the locals and exploring new culture. As an outdoor enthusiast you can often find him hiking mountains or exploring forests trying to capture the beauty of mother nature. In 2013 he founded www.LiveTravelTeach.com as he left his home in America and has been teaching or traveling around the world ever since!

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1 comment

Scracth – My Favorite EdTech Tools From EDUC 932 | Live, Travel, Teach July 12, 2016 - 8:25 pm

[…] used Scratch to complete my Hour of Code and modify a silly game in my last post.  Scratch is a great way to get kids excited about coding.  I’ll be bringing it to my […]


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