Korea Burn ’14 – a sneak peek!

by Mr Mike
Korea Burn ’14 – a sneak peek!

All I have to say is “wow!”  Words can’t describe how amazing Korea Burn was.  The art exhibits and costumes were just the icing on a cake of amazing people and personalities that came together in a fantastically beautiful beach weekend!  Enjoy this sneak peek and stay tuned for the rest of the photos.

(NSFW warning: some of these photos might not be safe for work)

Korea Burn '14-14 Korea Burn '14-13 Korea Burn '14-12 Korea Burn '14-11

Dodgeball Tournament!

Dodgeball Tournament!

Korea Burn '14-16

Happy July 4th!

Korea Burn '14-17 Korea Burn '14-1 Korea Burn '14-7 Korea Burn '14-6 Korea Burn '14-5 Korea Burn '14-8 Korea Burn '14-10

Getting ready to burn the man!

Getting ready to burn the man!

Mr Mike

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1 comment

Anonymous July 7, 2014 - 10:42 am

Love it!


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