I’m back! I think? If you’re reading this then I’m most certainly back in business. I guess that’s a funny way to describe it since this is really just a hobby but regardless the website is up and running again!
I’m using www.BlueHost.com with WordPress and am happy with their services so far. They have a live chat that was very helpful and forums with tons of people more knowledgeable than me. So after only a few days of downtime I am proud to present Live, Travel, Teach 2.0!
I’m not completely satisfied with how it looks. That’s actually putting it lightly. I will definitely be revamping it and maybe scrapping the whole layout again but www.LiveTravelTeach.com is now self-hosted! I’ve got a lot more options and can’t wait to explore them all. Stay tuned for version 2.1 😉
What are your experiences with self-hosting? Any technical difficulties I might have coming my way?