Top 10 Travel Photos of 2015 #9

by Mike Still
Top 10 Travel Photos of 2015 #9

2015 brought me good fortune and even greater photos.  My camera followed me from New Years Eve with my family in New Jersey then back to Korea before enjoying Lunar New Year in Thailand and short stint in Taiwan for Buddha’s Birthday.  Then we went up a few Korean mountains and swam in stunning Korean islands before heading back to Thailand and then finally Cambodia before settling home in Korea.  I’ve made amazing new friends, met the most wonderful woman and had countless adventures with what seemed like an endless hard drive full of photos. Sifting through was no easy task and at first glance I had over 200 favorites!  To see them all find me on Instagram @LiveTravelTeach but I guess I should just cut to the chase cause here at my top 10 travel photos of 2015!

#9 was a pit stop along the Mae Hong Son loop; an 800 km motorbike journey through northern Thailand.  As the morning sun rose above mountains behind us I saw this scene and new I had to snap away.  Along that adventure I took dozens of beautiful rice field photos but this postcard-like shot was my favorite!

9 Rice Fields

Honorable Mention #2 – This year I had 4 photos that were too good not to highlight but didn’t make my top 10.  This one comes a few weeks after the rice fields above when I toured a floatingRiver Guide village in Cambodia.  The people were the poorest people I’ve ever met and spoke exactly zero English.  We handed out snacks to the kids we saw which brightened our guide’s face and hopefully improved our image as gawking tourists.  More to come on this adventure as I write about it in the new year.



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Mike Still
Mike is a travel enthusiast, photographer and teacher. He loves adventure travel, meeting the locals and exploring new culture. As an outdoor enthusiast you can often find him hiking mountains or exploring forests trying to capture the beauty of mother nature. In 2013 he founded as he left his home in America and has been teaching or traveling around the world ever since!

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MARIANNE FERNANDEZ January 21, 2017 - 9:23 pm

Thanks for your website, it is really great 🙂
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Mike Still January 23, 2017 - 12:50 pm

Thanks Marianne, I’ll definitely check your site out


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