How to vote while living abroad

by Mike Still

“On Tuesday, November 8th the [American People] will make one of the most important decisions in its history”  Robert Downey Jr & others, Save the Day – Vote.


This week I signed up to vote while living abroad.  It was a bit strange to select “U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S. indefinitely and my return is not certain” but its been over 3 years that I’ve been living abroad and there’s no end in sight!

To register for an absentee ballot you can fill out a super simple form RockTheVote.  


It only takes 5 minutes to input your information and you’ll have the option to create an account by adding a 6 character password.  I recommend doing this in case you’re living abroad in the next election!


After filling out the online form you’ll get a personalized pdf.  The form is pretty straight forward and has easy instructions to follow.  Fill it out and mail it back accordingly and you should recieve an overseas ballot shortly.  I’ll follow up on this post when mine arrives.

If you find any mistakes simply click “Back” and correct the form.  Make sure you click download again and fill out your new form.

***Now I’m from NJ and when I went through the form I noticed that they mention the 2014 election.  Last time I checked its 2016 so I sent them an email to make sure I didn’t time travel or anything.  I’m eagerly awaiting their response.***


To vote in the upcoming presidential election while living abroad go to

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Mike Still
Mike is a travel enthusiast, photographer and teacher. He loves adventure travel, meeting the locals and exploring new culture. As an outdoor enthusiast you can often find him hiking mountains or exploring forests trying to capture the beauty of mother nature. In 2013 he founded as he left his home in America and has been teaching or traveling around the world ever since!

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Peter J. Levy September 26, 2016 - 10:36 am

New Jersey is always 2 years behind.

Reply September 27, 2016 - 9:44 am

One more reason I’m not heading ‘home’ just yet 😉


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